Virtual Teaching

Course Fee:

INR 6999 | $ 90 US     Duration: 4 months

Fast Track Mode fee

INR 2500 | $ 30 US

Welcome to the Virtual Teaching course at the American College of Teachers and Trainers (ACTT), where we equip educators with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the online learning environment. Our comprehensive curriculum, spanning over 4 months and 120 hours, is designed to empower teachers with the tools they need to excel in virtual classrooms.

Curriculum Overview:

Introduction to the Virtual Learning Environment

  • Gain an understanding of the key concepts and components of virtual learning environments.
  • Explore the benefits and challenges of teaching in an online setting.

Principles of Effective Online Teaching

  • Learn the fundamental principles and best practices for delivering engaging and effective online instruction.
  • Explore strategies for building rapport, fostering interaction, and promoting active learning in virtual classrooms.

Preparing Learners for a Virtual Classroom

  • Discover techniques for preparing students to thrive in a virtual learning environment.
  • Address common concerns and challenges faced by learners in online settings.

Designing Effective Instructional Strategies for Virtual Teaching

  • Explore strategies for designing and delivering engaging online lessons.
  • Learn how to adapt traditional teaching methods for the online environment and leverage digital tools and resources effectively.

Tools and Strategies for Virtual Training

  • Discover a variety of tools and technologies available for virtual teaching and learning.
  • Gain hands-on experience with popular platforms and software used in virtual classrooms.

Assessing Students in a Virtual Classroom

  • Learn how to design and implement effective assessments in the online setting.
  • Explore different assessment strategies and tools for evaluating student learning and progress.

At ACTT, we believe that effective virtual teaching requires a combination of pedagogical expertise and technological proficiency. Our Virtual Teaching course provides educators with the knowledge and skills they need to create dynamic and engaging online learning experiences for their students. Join us and take your teaching career to new heights in the digital age!