Advanced Certification in Psychology (Child and Adolescent)

Course Fee

INR 15999 | $ 210 US     Duration: 260 Hrs or 12 months

Fast Track Mode fee

INR 2500 | $ 30 US

Obtaining an advanced certification in psychology with a focus on Child Psychology and Adolescent Psychology can significantly enhance your knowledge and skills in working with children and teenagers.

Advance Certification in Psychology:

Ensure that you have a solid foundation in psychology by completing a bachelor's degree in psychology or a related field. Take courses that specifically focus on child and adolescent psychology during your undergraduate studies. This will provide you with a fundamental understanding of the subject. Pursue a master's or doctoral program in psychology, specializing in child and adolescent psychology. Look for programs that have a strong emphasis on developmental psychology and clinical practice. Look for advanced certification programs that specialize in Child Psychology and Adolescent Psychology. ACTT offered this combined program that focus on mental health and child development.

Child Psychology:

This course will focus on the psychological development of children in the early years, typically from infancy to around 12 years old. You'll study topics such as cognitive development, language acquisition, socialization, emotional development, and learning styles of young children. Understanding child psychology is crucial for tailoring teaching approaches and addressing the specific needs of young learners effectively.

  • Module 1: Child Psychology
  • Module 2: Growth and Development of Child
  • Module 3- 3 Developmental Characteristics of Children in the Pre-School Years
  • Module - 4: Individual Difference, Motivation and Creativity
  • Module - 5: Learning Process

Adolescent Psychology:

Adolescent Psychology deals with the psychological development of individuals during their teenage years, generally from ages 13 to 18. This course will explore the unique challenges and characteristics of this age group, including identity formation, peer influence, cognitive changes, emotional struggles, and educational concerns. Understanding the psychology of adolescents will help you create engaging and supportive learning environments that cater to their needs.

  • Module 1: Introduction
  • Module 2: Physical Development
  • Module 3- Emotional And Social
  • Module - 4: School And Parents
  • Module - 5: Personality Development
  • Module - 6: Hazards Of Adolescence

Remember to check the specific requirements of the certification program you are interested in, as they can vary. To pursue these qualifications, you can look for the American College of Teachers and Trainers combined specialized comprehensive course which allow you to take individual modules or workshops in each area.