Diploma in Counselling Techniques

Course Fee (Diploma Level):

INR 15999 | $ 200 US     Duration: 200 Hrs or 10 months

Fast Track Mode fee

INR 4000 | $ 50 US

Counseling is often misinterpreted with giving advice, however, in reality, it is completely different. A professional counselor hears the problem of an individual from a non-judgmental perspective and helps him or her to find a solution.

School counselors play diverse roles within the sphere of kids' education, and their responsibilities may differ based on the level at which they work. They play an active part to help students develop a healthy relationship with their peers, cope with the academic challenges and participate actively in the class.

Below is an outline of the possible components of such a program:

  • Schools Of Thoughts I
  • Schools Of Thought II
  • Introduction to Counselling
  • Steps and Skills of Counselling
  • Multicultural Approaches and Ethics of Counselling
  • Child Counselling
  • Skills and Goals of Counselling
  • Classroom Management
  • Role of Family in Counselling
  • Classroom Behavioural Psychology
  • Therapeutic Role of Teachers
  • Helping with Stress